Lost And Found

Since it was just around zero C today, mum thought it would be enough for me to wear my striped jumper. It is thinner than the pink one, and perfect for days like this. She couldn't find it, however, and I ended up with no jumper at all. The day was grey and foggy, so we went for our basic walkie though a small forest on a hill on the city side of the busy "beltway" road.

Where we go back through where we play hide and seek, there is a jumping rock. And behind that rock, there was something that wasn't right today. There was something purple behind it, hanging from a bush. It looked like a bird, but it wasn't a bird, it was - my knitted striped jumper! I couldn't believe it at first, so I sniffed it tentatively. It had been out there for at least four or five days, so it smelled a bit weird, but it was my jumper all right...

How is it possible to go walkies with a jumper, come home without it and not know it was lost? For days?! Mum! We still don't know what happened, but we are grateful we found it again.

We watched cross-country skiing today with our friends in England. Very cosy! Me and Dolly snooze through most of it.

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