Selfies from the Brink

By Markus_Hediger

After the Rain...

... the sun always breaks through.
2016 has been a difficult year for Brazilians. A political and moral crisis that broke out two years ago claimed its numerous victims, leaving people without jobs and the nation without hope. This crisis was accompanied by an extended drought in many regions of the country, especially the Northeast. The rains hit our region (South of Bahia) in November and haven't stopped since then. We are having heavy rains on a daily basis. The sound of big raindrops hitting the soil is music to our ears. 
2016 hasn't been a difficult year only for Brazilians. The terrible things that happened all over the world (and continued to happen even yesterday) have drained me emotionally. 
My prayer is that this Christmas might bring hope to all those who need strength to remain human and persevere in love. 

Continuing with the soul-soothing music of Marisa Monte.

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