to good people. I feel terribly sorry for the victims of the terrorist attack in Berlin, for their family and friends, who suddenly look in an abyss and wonder why, why has  this to  happen. In a couple of minutes futures destroyed, severe damage done to their lookout on life.

My picture shows a tiny cat, made of plaster I think, one of tw that I once bought in a pretty shop in St Gallen, Switzerland. I also bought there a white cushion with a drawing of a cat on it. I still have that too, although it does not look as neat as it once looked. Simple things, simple joys.
Tiny things, so apt for the Tiny Tuesday Challenge, huge thanks to osuzanna for hosting.

We drove to Helmarshausen for a walk on the dike along the Diemel.
And after that went to the railwaystation where Mischa arrived with the last of her trains, all had gone well. So joyful to meet again, looking forward to spend time together, walks, taking pictures, and all kind of other things we like to do.

In the meantime I have given hearts again for silly pictures: to AlisonM, Dotsnaps, lisabet, Marlieske and PamelaJ.

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