We went to the yearly Weihnachtskonzert in the Stephanus-church.
It begins at five o'clock. So we went for our walk at three pm. and were before the crowd would come in at the church and sat and waited quietly. All the people knows each other well and a lot of talking and catching up took place before the start.
Two different choirs are participating and of course the Kurkapelle.
Many beautiful Christmas songs we heard and the Kurkapelle as always in full swing.
Half past eight we climbed the hill back home and there we made a quick meal and ate it.
In the morning I was a bit busy again with the lights and decorations. We do not have a tree, alive or artificial,  the making of an alternative tree is no option any more,and because I want to unpack all my lovely Christmas belongings I made several festoons and hung these at different spots. I even hung one outside at a window.
Perhaps I can cut some green, tomorrow that is.
Tired as I am now, and the time already a bit late, I will write my haiku and find a proverb and come back tomorrow again in Blipland.

My haiku:

The last song we all
Were permitted to sing along
It was Silent Night

And the proverb:

Night is the mother of counsel.

Menander  Monasticha and later Erasmus, Ad. In nocte consilium.


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