Star Baker

Today I have been mostly making biscuits... Lemon and mixed spice shortbread. We're making half of Ibiza Town biscuits, so that's a lot of dough to make! Asha's done a brilliant job of decorating them - she's made each of her classmates a christmas tree shaped biscuit, iced it in green and then covered it in sprinkles. We've got trees, hearts, and stars all going on. 

Danny went to her parent/teacher meeting this afternoon...oh my goodness we've been blown away by all her teacher, Susi, said! I always feel concerned she's struggling at school in the 2 languages, but apparently she's one of the strongest Catalan speakers (!!!!) & is also one of the strongest in reading & writing in both Spanish & at the top with numbers! I can't tell you WHAT a relief it is to hear all of this! My friend's son was being threatened to be held back this year, and I've felt concerned Asha might not be hitting her targets either seeing as she's doing it all in 2 foreign so pleased for her that she's thriving in that place! Sorry for the blatant show off, but I am SO pleased!
Right, back on with the biscuits...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha thriving! And grateful to her teacher for helping her to thrive. 
2) Feeling part of the community here, and different communities within it...Thinking about all the folk we want to give biscuits too...such varied lifestyles and people! Feel grateful to know them.
3) Asha's excitement at giving gifts. 

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