Old Dogs...

Age, it would seem, has finally brought Pushka the patience for this game. She's always obeyed the wait command.....but only till the split second your back was turned (something I think I've always loved her all the more for)...but today playing in the lounge, after a few mock runs, she waited long enough for me to grab this shot, even if she doesn't look too impressed.

A different physio today - same diagnosis, but a different treatment plan. Tonight the ankle is very sore, but I'm good at gritting my teeth, we've a review scheduled for the first week of the New Year, so hopefully it will get accustomed to the new rehab exercises and settle down. I've heard people say before "get a second opinion" but I'm now on my 5th or 6th, so far no-one has agreed with the original surgical consultant - so I've now been referred to the very best specialists at Whittington - hopefully they can come up with a less barbaric solution. In the meantime it's a lot of standing on one leg and carrying a giant elastic band everywhere.

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