Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr

A friend

Oh my friend
My dear, dear friend
Sit beside me
Let me feel
Your arms
Surrounding me
Holdimg me
As though
I am as precious
As the Jewel of the Nile
As loved
As a newborn child
As wanted
As is impossible to let go
Let me feel
Your kisses
See your smiles
That say
You're welcome
You're wanted
You're mine

Terry Rhiannyr
August, 2012

Behind on blips thanks to heavy workload - going to back blip over the next few days but, after today, just HAD to post!

For those of you who know her (and those who don't you should really be following her blips on Daily Wild!) Emy is one of my dearest and closest friends and, until today, we had never met in person.

Brilliant day, brilliant company!

Thanks Emy to you and your lovely dad!

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