Just as Mum Grew

Today it is 3 years since Mum passed away.

I spent much of this morning with my friend with Parkinson's. She knew Mum and we talked about many things past and present. She wanted to show me these beautiful Christmas Lillies in her garden. They reminded me of the ones Mum grew. 

I think of Mum every day. Some days I'm surprised by the intensity of how much I miss her. She will always be carried in my heart.

I feel hollowed out, I feel grateful. I feel sad, I feel joy. Such is the mix of of today. I know I'm fortunate to have had Mum in my life for over half of it.

I continued on with house stuff today. Mum would have approved of another trip to the charity store with stuff to donate. She loved a good throw out and she'd be thrilled with the mega one I've undertaken.

I pottered on with my plans and new start. I'm sure Mum approves. We gently conversed as I sorted framed photos and paintings. A bit more is in place or a pile to mull over.

Today's gratitude: Mum's love.


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