Christmas reflections

I took a walk along Ponsonby Road with my camera this morning, seeking a blip and also carrying a shopping bag to get some yoghurt for S' breakfast. Despite the relatively early hour for the first day of the official New Zealand close down (lasts until after the New Year), the road was quite busy.

I was taken by the window display in Flotsam and Jetsam, and impressed that they had found very Christmassy junk/antiques. I liked the way the light created multiple layers, and a sort of self portrait.

As I was walking back after calling at the supermarket, I saw a group of cyclists out for a Saturday morning ride. I am guess ing that they are the group that stop further along Ponsonby Road at a particular cafe for their coffee. A number of them had decorated their helmets with festive cheer. They had passed me by the time I got the camera out, but I actually quite like the rear view which is my extra for today.

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