Sieze the day

By Mario

Burning the Candle

At both ends for a couple of years now,study and exams and qualifications all for my job hoping my Bosses end of the candle would go out and I would be Free. Ha no such luck there,This certificate and 2 others arrived at work yesterday and when I opened it up here was my NCEA and Level 3 wow I never even stayed at school that long. This certificate is the old equivelant of 7th form certificate which is a bit like University Enterance and looking tonight I also gained Level 1 and 2. This was gained by acheiving enough credits from my trade qualifications gained over the last 4 years. Drailaying, Water Reticulation and Wastewater Reticulation. All studied for while working full time studying part time but with time frames set for assignments to be completed by was it hard work you better beleive it was. Am I Happy you bet absolutely. Late night again today never finished work until 20:30 and missed a Coaching session with a new athlete who I beleive has lots of potential. Bring on the end of my call out roster on Monday :-(.

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