Walking the Dog

Up town for those last minute things - you know, diamonds, gold, and a bag of Terry's chocolate orange segments. Lordy though, it was a vile blowy wet day.
So, a film at 5pm seemed like a good idea. I'd never seen any of those Harry Potter films, but thought this Fabulous Creatures movie would be a decent introduction to Ms Rowling's oeuvre. Jings well, plenty special effects. Plenty fabulous creaturezzzz... I've seen a better story in an Argos Christmas advert.
Home and out to walk (and exercise...) the neighbour's dog. A first, that. Within twenty yards of getting onto the beach the poor mutt with its LED collar was set upon by some out of control spaniel. Its handler explained that he was just doing it for a favour too, pal, as he eventually managed to pin the crazed brute down, allowing my escape. I'm sure this doesn't happen in more desirable postcode areas.

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