
The first of this year's winter storms arrived in Cumbria today.
Barbara didn't seem to do much damage - but she sure put a lot of rain down. The beck is roughly 3 foot deep and came up in an hour. Apart from this I didn't take a single pic - like many a blipper I really struggle with these grey wet days.
One year ago we were just back from France, we'd left a flooded house here in Cumbria full of dehumidifiers - this year the house now has flood barriers, but it would be good to not need them.

Philosophy Friday
Don't no be dismayed by the brokenness in the world. All things break and all things can be mended. Not with time as they say, but with intention. So go. Love intentionally, love extravagantly, love unconditionally.
The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you.

L.R. Knost

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