
By mydayblipped


This had to be done!
My 12 year old daughter just isn't good at spelling, it borders on atrocious and she is now (finally) getting help from support for learning at school for it.
Some times it really comes down to she doesn't take the time to check her work to see she has misspelt words because she can read very well, and if she only took the time she'd see what wasn't spelt correctly.
But this had us in absolute fits of laughter.
Because it turns out, she can't even spell boobies right upside down on a calculator..out came bobbies! :D :D :D :D :D
Thankfully she took it in good form and was laughing just about as much as I was!

My day today:
My daughter woke us up at 4am thinking there was someone or something downstairs...she had either been dreaming or had heard our cat come to eat (his name tag clinks against his bowl when he eats). Grrr
I so could not get back to sleep. I never can if I'm woken at that time of day. I think I got back to sleep around 5.30am to be up again at 7am
So today I have been majorly tired :(
And then I got an email inviting me to invite for another job I applied for. Argh cue an afternoon or number crunching and turning things over and round and round and round twenty times more trying to decide if I should go to the interview or not.
Talked it over with my husband when he came home and I think I'm just going to stick with the job I got offered on Monday. Even though it's not guaranteed hours, it should be more flexible and fit in with my planned jaw surgery better than a full time job, guaranteed hours but would need 3 months off for surgery plus have to pay for childcare. I think. We'll see what happens at my induction day on Wednesday. Surely they will give me hours, surely they won't employ folk and then not give them work to do....
Now I really want to sleep but too early for bed just yet

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