
By mydayblipped


Today hasn't been a great day.
The whole job versus job thing pinged into my head as soon as I woke up and I have driven myself demented with it most of the day. I'm still pretty sure original job is the one, just there's that niggling what if this one would be better. And only I can make the decision. I guess no one will die if I make the wrong one
I now have a headache.
Rest of the day:
Went to doctors for bloodtest results..all back normal but at least I got my pills back for my stomach so no more eating gaviscon tablets like sweeties or having a really sore puffy neck. Was sad to say goodbye to her as she is moving to Glasgow.
Phoned speech therapist about my son and gave go ahead for her to speak to his class about clefts and speech
Phoned lady doing shop rota for cats protection and now going to be working on a thursday morning until I start my paid job
played chefville on facebook
watched Who Do You Think You Are on bbc iplayer...that was a sad one
I need a brain extraction I think..stop me overthinking things too much

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