5 year Warranty

Another scintillating day while I spent an hour in a dentists shop while The Boss got a 1 hour Crown after he had a hamburger bust his No 30 in half….So it seems.
If you ever need a Dentist in SanFrancisco he knows a really great guy as this sort of Tech has certainly not got to Wanaka in the South Island of N.Z.  Don’t ask what it cost BUT $ for $ not too different to NZ it seems and travel insurance will hopefully come to the party too. And there is a warranty on the tooth.

Well Blip recons we have reached a milestone and maybe counting leap years and long days we have so here we are after a complicated hour messing with bits on the hotel room floor as The Boss’s jaw thawed out.

It has been a wonderful ride with wonderful people in a wonderful and totally unique environment.  There is just NOTHING like it.

Onward…into the next 5 years.

Tiny and the rest of the team.

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