
What a night out this was. The San Francisco Ballet had turned on a special Christmas edition and it was the most spectacular version The “B’s” had ever seen. I didn’t see it at all as we found out at The Lion King that backpaks are a bit of a problem so I stayed behind but got the news when they returned.
IT snowed!!  Outside the theatre when they arrived it was snowing but only at the theatre. An amazing feeling and it appeared pretty real as The Boss got photos and slightly wet as well and it certainly snowed inside the theatre for the ballet as well but the dancers didn’t seem to mind. 
The extra is the Town Hall with Christmas tree which is on the adjacent block. All Iphone images.
Oh and The Bossess has a new toy on her wrist. No cheese for guessing this one. The Boss completely escaped as the only thing he was interested in was completely sold out. So much for the media and their indifference on wireless earbuds. He was really impressed but had to give them back.
We all visited The Golden Gate Park today and loved that too.

Woof…and thank you all for your super comments on yesterdays effort. We want to chat to you all but holidays are holidays so Blip time is limited. 
There is a wonderful spirit in San Francisco and The Boss’s sometimes weird sense of humour seems to be understood. The Bossess was NOT amused as he sang “Programs” loudly and in a different key with the real “program” lady who just loved the fun. Not even sure you could do that in NZ and folk just go out of their way to be helpful including on Busses where they seem to know we are tourists and offer very helpful suggestions. 
 ZZZZZzzzz now


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