Grace Cathedral

This is where we enjoyed our Christmas Carols back on Christmas eve so The Bossess, who, by the way, is official entertainment officer for overseas trips, suggested that we should go back with some serious camera gear i.e  OM1 and tripod so we did. 
We were told in no uncertain terms today that San Francisco is NEVER to be called San Fran or any other shortened term. This was explained by the nice Apple Tutor who was running the Watch class that The Bossess attended. The Boss listened and I sat on the pak (as I do) and admired the view of the utterly huge display panel that filled the entire back wall, looked completely seamless and was 6K res and apparently contained 17 million pixels. The Boss wanted one but it would have needed a very large postie bag and a lot of fast talking and probably a third mortgage as well and being 6K a very large computer to drive it. And as it was made sorta one off for Apple Stores there may have been issues there as well. He settled for a bit of lemon wedge at Walgreens but I felt he gave up far to easily.    
It is the extra and should be viewed large. (Iphone shot)

The Bossess has just looked at the weather app and found we are heading into -12 next week…Brrrrr


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