Chopping out (Day 597)

Last night,  my beautiful wife and I made plans that we would return to Brodgar in the hope of seeing another fabulous sunrise this morning. Sadly it wasn't to be and we woke to the sound of strong wind and heavy rain. We splashed up the hill just before it was time for HV to head off to work.
I had planned to get out into the shed and do a bit more letter carving for the rest of the morning, but my plans were dashed by a call out to a blocked drain. Thankfully it was an easy enough blockage to clear, but by the time I had driven to the job and back, the morning had evaporated. It is perhaps worth pointing out that "flushable wet wipes" are not flushable. They do not break down like toilet tissue does when they are flushed, and if they don't block your drains, the will cause a problem further down the line. Please don't flush them...
Back home I had a quick bit of lunch then took the dogs for a very wet walk  in the rain at Wasdale. The camera didn't make it out of the bag.
I finally managed to get into the shed to carve and thought I would take a shot of the start of a letter. It needed a bit more tidying up after I took this. The stone is finished and I'll sort out delivering it to its new owner soon.

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