...is next to Godliness".

This was one of the slogans proudly displayed in a truly filthy ashram that I visited with my ex-wife in south India back in '84...

She had sent me a postcard suggesting we meet up on the steps of the main post office in Madras at 8 pm on the 23rd December - no problem - she came from Melbourne, Victoria in Oz - I from Brussels!

We attended some fantastic concerts of classical music & dance... Why does fantastic dancing  make me cry? Indian classical & Flamenco do it - Ballet leaves me cold...

Anyway, we bussed around south India visiting ashrams - to end up on the beach at Kovalam in Kerala & smoking wicked joints!

The "Cleanliness" ashram belonged to a charlatan who called himself Sathya Sai Baba in Puttaparthi. This total fraud "wrote" books on a level with L, Ron Hubbard with photos of him posing before a fleet of white Mercedes limos.


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