horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

2016: The Rough and the Smooth

Much has been made of 2016 having been an apocalyptic year. Outside my own bubble it is easy to see why. From Brexit to Trump, there have been some nasty surprises. The celebrity deaths have certainly been numerous, but while they grab the headlines (given they'll sell more papers), the thousands of Yemeni and Syrian and numerous other deaths are all the more heartbreaking. The images of 'freed' Aleppo were the very definition of pyrrhic victory.

But. Personally?

I ended 2014 and 2015 jobhunting after making big decisions, whereas this year I find myself actually happy with what I'm doing, and (though ultimate ambitions still lie more artistic in nature) looking forward to seeing where that takes me in 2017. I've got photos of Kingfishers and Otters and the Aurora Borealis. I've got fitter and faster and seen results (modestly) improve in cross races. I got to zip up and throw the hands in the air in first place over a finish line at LoveCross after partnering an excellent enduro rider in Thomas Mitchell. I've had some photos in the press, and took the opportunity to spend a day in the midst of track riders at the Glasgow velodrome. I rediscovered my French on a great trip to Burgundy. Skye and Lewis were wonderful backdrops (as usual) to turning 40. And we end the year with very serious discussions about a smallholding in 2017. And I manage to end the year on yet another Kingfisher (I'll likely head down to the prom for the bells and watch the fireworks, but got to love a King).

The only thing not managed that I really wanted (well, there were more granted) was to get a cartoon into Private Eye. That saga will continue.

Happy New Year folks.

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