
Some showers have cooled us down making the day much more pleasant. The last of our visitors left today, our son and his girlfriend. It was so nice to see them.

I am trying to eat small healthy meals today after the last week of eating way too much food. I don't drink much so that isn't hard to reduce.

My New Years resolutions ( I don't usually bother) will be to eat more sensibly and exercise more frequently. In other words do what I say others should do. So far so good with some hard work in the garden and a walk with Tom and not too much food. I have also decided to "like" cooking better. Sounds odd but if I change my mind set it just might work. Crossed fingers. and for the last one is do re do the "A Year with my Camera" course which I did spasmodically last year.

Extras include three new lilies..... I don't know if I like the colours...and a tiny spider.

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