Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

No TV on my watch

OK, we watched TV at 7am, despite waking at 6:30am. The wee man woke up shivering and crying for medicine. His sister woke 10 minutes later full of snot and covered in chickenpox. 

It's only eight hours until bedtime. Man Utd play in six hours too.  I wonder how long that single malt will stare at me for...

I almost forgot. Today is New Year's Eve. Hopefully I'll be fast asleep by 9pm so I can be ready for the little blighters waking up through the night.


Ok, what a day. The wee man woke with a temperature, which slowly rose to 103 by lunchtime. By 3pm it was 105 and by 4pm 106. Without Nikki for guidance, I rang NHS 24. I explained the details over the phone and was told that someone would call me back within the hour. 40 minutes later, with his temperature still at 106 (on two different thermometers), I called again. This time I was told to take him to the hospital (along with his sister who has chickenpox) but not until 9pm. I ran up the road to my neighbour, who is a doctor, but alas he was out. I therefore decided to get them ready for bed. Bugger that. I'm not taking them both out at 9pm on New Year's Eve!

The wee man fell immediately to sleep so I hurriedly put his sister down, returning to take the boy's temperature again while he slept. 103.5. Phew! I'll try again in a little bit. Hopefully it keeps dropping. 


It didn't.  It was back up to 105 within half an hour.  More ibuprofen and it steadied around 104.5.  I've prepped our other neighbour, who's planning to pop round in case Nelly wakes up if I end up going to the hospital.  I have about 20 minutes to make my mind up.  Over to the wee man... 


It dropped to 101 after stripping him down and wiping his brow, and then to 98 a hour or so later!  The kids were up and down all night but we avoided the hospital!  Happy days.

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