As if I didn't know

Due to issues with the PIN on my debit card I can't make the final payment on Rosina's car today so the plan is for me to put the money in Diana's account and for her to pay on her debit card. I'I need your account and sort code' I said to her last night so she left me this note. Good job she's on the ball, I clearly forgot to ask her to remind me what her name is.!

Nightmare at work - once again I feel like I'm having to step in and finish something that someone has made a half arsed attempt to do. Yes, the sensible answer would be to throw it back at them and make it clear what needed doing to finish the job but there simply isn't time and they had led me to believe it was done - nothing could be further from the truth. I'm not even convinced that it's fit for  purpose and of course all the time I'm doing this, I'm making no progress on my own tasks. Grr.

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