From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Dancing in the wee hours....

At 2.30 in the morning I woke from a horrible dream, relief flooding me for an instant as I realised I was not being persued by a monster from the bushes who had my left leg firmly clamped in its jaws below the knee. My relief however, was short-lived as I realised I'd got one of those rotten cramps. You know how it is, you sit up in bed whimpering trying to rub your affected limb while your toes decide to tie themselves in impossible knots and it feels like your foot is trying to turn itself inside out.

Ahhhhhh! That feels better so you lie down again thinking 'I hope this isn't going to go into a spasm!' As soon as your head hits the pillow it's 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' and you are forced to get out of bed for a walk around the bedroom. I remember watching the first series of Ali McBeal and there was one episode where someone was telling her that everyone had to have their own tune they carry around in their head. I always have lots of music going round in my head, nothing in particular though. Have you ever noticed that the tunes you can never get out of your head are the terrible ones you can't stand. They might be on a TV advert or just something irritating on the radio. The minute you acknowledge that fact, you suddenly find yourself humming it and it will only go when you obliterate it with something brilliant.

Why is it that when you are a bit stressed or in extreme agony (I was! I was!) you can never summon anything decent to mind and I was finding myself jigging in the darkness to that hideous 'Go Compare' insurance advert. After what seemed like hours, I went back to bed. It was probably only ten minutes really.

My leg still feels uncomfortable now despite the fact it was a couple of days ago! Why this picture of Bony's leg? Well, he has better legs than me! I have been drinking lots of water as someone in the office said cramps are down to dehydration. Now I just wake up desperate for the loo in the night. No further cramp to report yet though.

I was going to add ZZ Top's classic 'Legs' to this but my favourite track of theirs is this one. It's superb!

Fool For Your Stockings

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