2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun

Doing as I'm told

A much better night's sleep.
I woke with no pain at all this morning.

That situation has changed to me becoming uncomfortable as the day has progressed. But that's just muscles getting tired.
I didn't make Wednesday's mistake of overdoing things when I felt better and have taken it very easy. Mrs. P suggested I lie in the sun. Shortly after I laid down the sun went in! But it was still warm and the fresh air was great.

I've shown her how to use the camera on my phone so she was able to get some garden shots, and this one proves I've done as I've been advised today.

Adam has identified a possible error that means he and many of his friends may have received a lower grade in a subject than they should have so he's composed a brilliant email asking for answers. He also wants another paper remarked because it's only 2 marks short of an A*.
Curses! It's raining now. Mrs. P and Adam are out and I can't reach to bring the washing in!

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