Limekilns Dook...

I'm guessing for confusion purposes they call this the Limekilns Breakfast Dip (slightly more confusingly it was at 1400) as opposed to a Loony Dook. It's a more localised affair than the full blown Queensferry Loony Dook although it is getting quite a lot busier.

So I think I've decided I just don't get the whole staying up for the bells part of new year. I basically fell asleep until just before midnight and dealing with the sleep deprived chidlers the next day ain't fun. I much prefer the lucid shennanigans and catching ups of the daytime 1st.

So there's a lot of bemoaning the passing of 2016 due to the inevitable glut of baby boomer entertainers and although sad and a loss, there's also a lot of other shittier things happened in the world with all the ISIS trouble which I reckon pales it into comparison. That said, the loss of these talents has meant a lot of reliving or introducing to their respective arts. I'd be first to admit that Prince wasn't on my radar but have found so much enjoyment from his royal badness' music and going through older Gene Wilder films.

On a more personal and upbeat level though, 2016 has been a bitchin' year for me. We went on a brilliant and memorable holiday to Denver to welcome Cassandra into the family and we welcomed my new neice Faith and nephew nephews Hugo over in Denver and Seth in Ireland.

Pretty darn good year by all accounts. Happy New Year Troops.

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