Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

The Royal Hospital, Wolverhampton

I have been meaning to take a photograph of the derelict remains of the Royal Hospital in Wolverhampton for some time and in particular this wing, built in 1937 which has these interesting metal ends to it, typical of the art-deco period.

The problem is it is currently undergoing renovation; a joint partnership between the City Council and Tesco. It has 8 ft boarding right around the site and as such is very difficult to photograph.

I overcame this problem by putting the camera on a tripod and extending it over the boarding, shooting using a delay. I got the image I wanted on the third attempt.

The clouds were already interesting but I decided to tweak them in Silver Efex Pro. I'm not a great lover of colour toning but felt it added to the image on this occasion.

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