A new gadget!

My Christmas present from the kids!  It's great because if I sit too long it vibrates and asks me if I'd like to go for a walk!  This is just what I need to keep moving!  My resolution for the time  being anyway!!

Went for a long walk with my friend.  We heard and spotted a woodpecker.  I even just caught him at the end of my zoom!  Then we visited the little Unitarian chapel in Egerton.  It wasn't open but we walked around the beautifully tended graveyard, looking at the inscriptions.  

One had this at the bottom of the stone
Affliction sore long time she bore
Physicians were in vain,
till God did please to give her ease
and terminate her pain.

Sarah Jones died in 1899 40yrs old
her husband William Jones died in 1936 aged 74
their son Alwyn died in 1886 1 yr old!

Life was much harder then I suspect!

Thank you Marlieske for hosting Mono Monday - resolutions !

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