
By johnlorimer

New Year, New Me (of course)

I've been flip flopping to what I am going to do in the new year. Nothing unusual there.
Instead of getting stressed, I will just start a few things with a view to try and have a 'not so miserable' year. I have long wanted to use blipfoto properly. My last attempt all I had was a lowly cheap smart phone, and my photos were quite ordinary.
I now have a Samsung S7 edge, which has a terrific camera, plus a full gamut of other cameras.
So no excuses. The challenge of uploading a photo a day I like, but the main attraction is writing a blog of sorts. This blog I will not share to my other social medias, so the goal is to have an honest blog. I am quite happy to have it 'scream into the void'.

I had a reasonably quiet new years eve with a few friends. One woman I have known since I was four years old as we started year one of school together. forty three years that is.

I cannot say the entire evening was pleasant to me. Our friends entered the public service after finishing school and did not have children. They are well off and want for nothing. My life is a screaming mess in comparison.

Once the male of the pair had become drunk enough he asked me 'Am I worried about the future, renting and all?' This is after he was complaining about changed superannuation laws that may affect his quite substantial retirement income. Well, I just don't think about it was my reply. It's best not to. This is not entirely true of course, but it tends to be my only defence.

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