Clear and Crisp

A beautiful hard frost had me walking down  into the village. The seagulls were lined up on the roof of the chapel as the sun sent vapour into the air. There was only one goose happily feeding by the river as the vapour drifted and rose from the river. Apart from a highly excited dog running round in circles on the field it was peaceful and quite magical
On my way back I bumped into Camera Man and had a long chat with him over a coffee. He has anger too over all sorts of things which concern his sons but I like it! I actually find him very young at heart and real - why make believe everything is right and wonderful when sometimes it just isn't?!
In the evening I started square two of my blanket - well! Several phone calls to sister, 3 times unpicked, finally worked out a way of getting the diagonal indent going the right way, though I have a row of purl that shouldn't be there! This is going to be a tricky thing until I figure it out!  Luckily each square is only 44 stitches and you decrease in the centre by two every other row so not much to unpick when I go wrong! Some times you just have to unpick and start again - sooner or later things will come right! 

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