
I got out for a short walk in the fields. Not much was stirring but I'm always happy to see the small signs of change and the progress of the seasons. Moles have been active under,  and sheep have made converging paths across, the ground.

Gwyn continues to make astonishing progress to the point that he needs to be restrained from being too ambitious in what he attempts but he admitted he was worried as to whether he would make a full recovery or not - he'd been afraid to ask and no one had actually reassured him on that score. Shortly after we were discussing that a delivery driver knocked on the door with a parcel. Seeing Gwyn with his crutches he asked what he'd done and on being told he'd broken his femur said 'Oh yes I did that years ago. Just keep doing the exercises and you'll be fine.' Synchronicity!

I hadn't realised that our house is visible in the picture,  in the background on the left.

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