A happy ending.

Just after I arrived at the gym, Mike came in. I haven't seen him since before Christmas, so we had a good catch up, well actually, I did the listening, but I don't mind that. We had nearly finished our session on the cross trainer, when Des arrived.  I did feel a bit guilty, as he got on beside me, and we both got off, to go on the bikes. When I had finished that, I went over to talk to him, and  then i didn't feel so guilty. I really had to spread myself thin! When I came out, I walked to church, and saw Kevin, and Adrian, the volunteer for today. Adrian  was practising on his flute again, and is getting much better. I didn't stay long, as it was cold in there today, and I  walked through the churchyard, on my way out, I saw the heart shaped stone, near Joan's husband, and daughter's grave. For those of you that follow my ramblings  blips, see my entry for November 10th, for the full story.  
J was going to go out on his motorcycle, after dropping me at the gym, but as the roads were bad, he went in the car instead. I think he needed some man talk!  Anyway, we both arrived home about the same time, and J made me a coffee. He balanced it on the sink, and then somehow, knocked it over, and the glass mug, and my coffee went over the floor. The air was a deep shade of blue, but luckily, for J the mug didn't break. I was so glad about that, as it was one that my Dad had engraved for me, with my name on, many years ago.

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