Loch of Stenness (Day 603)

The dogs were already off up the hill with my beautiful wife by the time I got up this morning. The weather seemed to have improved a bit from yesterday and it wasn't quite so windy.
I trundled off to a little job shortly after HV had zoomed off to ride horses. The job was a macerator making a bit of a noise. I had a look and it wasn't making any more noise than any other macerator I have encountered, so it was a bit of a wasted trip.
Back home, I decided it would be a good idea in the garage tinkering with HV's motorbike, which is still in bits. One of the exhaust studs needs to be removed as it is too short. I spent ages heating it and trying to turn it without snapping it to no avail. It remains stuck in the engine block. I may need to come up with an alternative plan.
HV returned from horse riding and we took the dogs out for a walk at Brodgar. It was bitterly cold in an icy wind, but nice to be out for a walk.
Later in the afternoon we went to town, and in a shocking turn of events, we have come home with a bicycle for me. And lycra clothing. I have no idea what has come over me...

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