My Mini Adventure

By JJ46


Freezing cold morning for my first day back at work and Baby L's first proper morning at nursery. N is not back at work until next week so was able to collect her slightly earlier than normal.

Good news is that she had a little bit of a better day, according to the nursery staff - ate her food and even had a little morning nap. Makes me feel a bit relieved to know she's settling, albeit slowly.

My day was long and dull. It was a training day and it was chock-a-block with meetings. I practically ran out of the door at the first chance I got.

It was so lovely to see Baby L's little face when I got home and to have a play and get some cuddles and generally reconnect with her this evening.

Today's pic is from N - the water butt in the garden was still frozen over at lunchtime.

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