
By Cigs

Southfield Place

So I was getting all smart, Thinking I could go down after dark and get the last Portobello High School tag done. Maybe set the camera up across the street; get some light trails. After work, I walked her home and then jumped on the bike; across the south side, and down through the back of Holyrood Park to Duddingston; then clattered down down down towards Porty. A brisk 12 minutes. I'm guessing a tail wind? Either that or a shocking day on the office with plenty frustration to take out on the pedals. 

I propped the bike up against a hedge (this is a nice neighbourhood) and got the kit out. But because its black paint on the inside of the windows its not visible after dark...! Aaaargh... 

Distraught, So plan B. I went along the road to the one of Jan 1st and plodded on down the hill. And just as I'm about to turn down onto Baileyfield Drive, something catches my eye. There. On the side of a wheelie bin. Cigs and Loud. Not a wasted journey after all. Big smiles and a handily timed bus for the light trails and Bob's yer uncle. 

Blue pen on black bin, undated but def. 2016. 

And fuck me if there's not 5 others down the next 150 yards into Portobello. 

(to be continued)

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