
Short for 'It's gone'.

The tree that is!

I was going to take it down today but I saw a news update on my phone last night saying it was 12th Night yesterday so down it went. The poor little tree is all cold and naked sitting on the patio. But I am going to get some outdoor fairy lights for it as its a living tree!!! Well, at least its living for now. I may well accidentally kill it but I hope not to.

So, the fireplace looked like a huge empty cavern after the tree had gone so I filled it with a million smelly candles, all smelling very different. But it looked very cosy and heated the room up to 100 degrees!

There are at least 7 different Christmas presents (old and new) in this picture along with a few other gifts from lovely people! I think I am a little bit loved which is....well....lovely.

Work has been cancelled today (but before the 24 hour cut off which is a shame). Just as well as I need to wait in for the leaf blower/sucker delivery. I bet it doesn't come! I don't have much faith in WorldStores after they lost our bed a few years ago!! But we shall see!


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