The Wren

By TheWren

The little drummer boy.

Well the day of the Crieff Highland Games dawned and we first walked the dogs and then got a picnic together and joined the pipe band as it marched through the town to mark the start of the games. It was dry and fairly warm - but not enough blue sky to make a sailor a pair of trousers, so we sensibly took waterproofs with us.

We found a place on the grassy hill amongst all the other spectators and watched the throwing of the hammer, tossing the caber, highland dancing and all the other activities - then the rain arrived with a vengeance just as the pipe bands were massing for a final parade. Although the kilts of the adults were covered with the waterproof capes I decided on this image of the Games to bring you as this young drummer was so cute in his kilt outfit and enjoying himself so much. He was keeping good time and drumming with gusto - he made everybody smile during the parade despite the rain which was starting to chill us all.

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