Kegs Kwikpics.

By Kegrow

Landscape with Cross

Break in the weather. Needed, really needed, a good walk. Decided to take a quick drive over to the Powlett River/Estuary. Brrrrr, the wind was strong and cold, the landscape was wonderful though. Although its not to evident in the above photograph, there were clouds scudding across the sky creating spotlights of silver light on the land, there one moment and gone the next. It was amazing light. Unfortunately I had great difficulty merging an area of this light with an acceptable composition. It was a great thing, though, to be out and part of it all.
I noticed this cross on the bank of the river several weeks ago, and intended then to include it in a B&W composition. It is a very poignant reminder of ones mortality, I think. One usually sees these 'shrines' along a roadside, and this location is unusual. Kind of a long way from anywhere.
So that's my blip, I am off now to cook tea for Kaye and her Dad. Minestrone soup coming up :))

Bigger version here.

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