Why! Oh, Why ....

... does everything have to be ten times harder than it should be?!?

The saga from yesterday continues ...

Shortly before lunch today R went to U-Haul to pick up the rented trailer that we need in order to pick up the new (used) lawn tractor.  He was able to get one hitched to his pickup truck and get home.  But when he arrived home he noticed that one of the tires was soft and he was concerned about that.

He returned to U-Haul to exchange the trailer for one with fully inflated tires.  However, the clerk (a different guy from earlier) was not able to get the lights to work and refused to rent us the trailer!  How frustrating!  But he was only doing his job. 

Plan B.

We finally opted on just taking R's pickup truck with the hopes that we (actually just him) could load it right into the bed of the truck. He had to take the mower deck off first before he could winch it up into the bed.  I went along mostly for moral support .... and to get my blip!

Thankfully we got the tractor home okay and it's now safely parked in our side yard.  

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