Old Book

Dad gave me this old book yesterday. It was published in 1950, has a battered slip case cover and yellowed pages that smell like... well they smell an old book! You know what I mean, it's unmistakeable. Dad told me he used this book in his A level years when he studied Botany, Zoology; (Yes really! Are those subjects even an option nowadays?) Physics & Chemistry. He had a wonderful Botany teacher apparently who took the boys away on lots of trips so that they could study the natural world and learn about the flora by finding it for themselves. It's a pleasure Dad seems to have passed to me. And now his book. I'm chuffed to bits. Ridiculous perhaps as it's 'just a book' but I still like 'real' books and this one remains quite useful despite its age and, well, well it was my dad's :-)

Reformer Pilates class today - trying to get fitter without upsetting my back.

Also spent a long time filling in the diary and planning some more trips away into the hills and mountains. I've itchy feet!

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