twinned with trumpton


The first day back out on the road of the new year; cold but not prohibitively so. 
To deepest Leith for 0830; gloves and hat on. Then I realised I hadn't a bike lock, so I scooted home for that and onwards to Canonmills. The day was brightening and wound my to the west end / Tollcross and then the West End again. I roamed around Quartermile in the sun; and to Morningside for the afternoon ( I always do that, it makes me smile) and then after a sobering 10 minutes with a former colleague I finally stormed through the southside and was done. I met her on her school pick up - she was tired and dejected and she went for G; I went homeward' picked up the car; dropped the bike to get some new wheels added and plodded on for an hour or more before getting out my prize purchase of the day. I got spray paint to do base coats on which to do screen printing. Besides, its cheaper than beer and the hangover isn't so bad once you get used to it. Then I did a stencil or two so maybe we'll see how this is going to work.

Extra is a tribute to jaybroek's mill

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