twinned with trumpton


Ah the office. Great. 

But I did discover Anderson Paak's Malibu which brightened the day immeasurably. Also, Weird Al was in today; some bizarre story about BT engineers turning up to deal with his broadband in spite of him being with Sky; so he had to trek in fae W Lothian and his lovely new Stepford Wives' house. We did arrange (loosely) to cover the tricky sections of the John Muir Way with two cars, so hopefully that'll get that done by Easter. 

At lunchtime we both went to Specsavers; I know my left eye is rubbish; glasses for driving ahoy! She also needs for work.

Then! The great Cigs hunt with Magi; a decent if fresh wander before returning to the office and drudgery for the afternoon.

I baled out at 6; to hers for burritos and passion. (OK maybe not in that order) And out by 9 full of cherry / choc pudding into icy particles in the wind on the bike. I was pink when I got home (face and legs - I was wearing shorts, obv)

A variation on the book shop shadows

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