
By johnlorimer

fire rainbow ?

I believe this to be a ‘Fire Rainbow’. I could be wrong of course. Cannot say I have ever seen anything like it before, so it was pretty special.
The dark clouds are an advancing storm coming towards me from the west, with the sun setting behind it.
I rode in the morning but felt incredibly flat and low on energy. The entire day right up until I went to bed felt pretty much the same. I am guessing this may well be the ‘keto flu’ that fellow low carbers talk about. I cannot say I noticed it last time I did this style of eating. Regardless, I hope it passes.
I am thinking I am probably in full blown ketosis as my appetite is non-existent, and I almost have to force myself to eat. This is a good thing  !
Nothing really exciting happened today. Didn’t achieve much on my side projects because I was feeling so ordinary.

Full disclosure – I took the photo on this post in 2013. I will try to keep old photos to a minimum, but I think my lack of inspiration today was to blame.

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