Wow....Very Unusual Amount of Snow

I haven't seen snow this deep in Portland since about 1968! I am guessing we have 12 inches or more. Of course, I am staying in and enjoying the is beautiful, but the forecast is for 4 or more days of below freezing temperatures so this snow is not melting soon. Kids will not be going to school and that means that their summer break will be starting days later than usual. I hope the kids and teachers will remember how much they are enjoying these days off so that those extra days at the end will not be so painful.
I think I can safely label this as Wild Wednesday!!! Very exciting and wild to see the cold hanging around this Winter.Inconvenient but it is pretty, isn't it? I wonder how the Eagle pair are holding up with the snow. I haven't seen many birds out and about so far today, just one junco, one chickadee and two nuthatches have showed up at our feeders.....but they are quick, in and out in a few seconds. 
Hope you are comfortable in your weather conditions today whatever your circumstances are......I will probably be sitting right here most of today and into tomorrow., just now, a Flicker is coming into the feeders. His colors and size are amazing! I must go, see you tomorrow.

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