
By Bigdreamer

The girls and I

Up early, bright and early.With pancakes and yogurt and strawberries We headed down the road to the wattle festival which is held every year. The girls were excited and happily skipped along holding hands for most of the day dressed again in the same clothes something they like doing now a lot of people stopped to ask if they were twins or triplets, and they seemed to relish in the attention of strangers. We strolled through the local shops and business and sampled the local produce, I bought some yummy fresh honey which Bailee wanted to go home and have some on toast right there and then, I promised her that I would give her some as soon as we got home. The girls bought a seedling from the local primary school that they are keen to grow, the pot plant was painted in bright colours with goggly eyes they seemed to really love this.

After a quick look around, it started to turn a bit cold and it looked like rain was coming, so we headed back to the car to go and visit grandma and grandpa.Home again and time for an early BBQ lamb chops and veggies followed by bath time then bed. Three tired little girls today.

I did this first attempt at getting me and the girls together, as I am the one taking all the photos I am rarely in them. I think it turned out ok. Might buy a tripod to play around with in the future.

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