Wonder Woman

I got a new toy!  Yes, I did.  When I least expected it.  

THEY did come home form the shopping, and SHE did say, Michelin Star, (that's what SHE calls me sometimes, when I'm in her good books), I've got a present for you, and she did give it to me, and I did have a sniff, and then I did grab it.  Not the best manners I know, but it's exactly the right size, and it's exactly the right shape, and it's exactly the right softness.

And I did race round and round the front room, and they both did chase me, and we all did have the best fun ever.

And then in the afternoon, we wented into the garden, and we were there nearly all afternoon, because the weather was cool, and then HE did come out and join us for a little while.

It was possibly the best day in my entire life, I shouldn't be surprised.  And I did sleep the deepest sleep, because I was a very tired little black dog after all of that.

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