
By PhilattheBeach


Mrs. ATB and myself went over to The Marshwalk for lunch this afternoon.
Nice day and a pretty good size crowd out enjoying the mild weather and naturally several beverages.
Mullet was even out as The Mullet Hut was opening up as well.

The only full time resident of Goat Island right now is this peacock. The goats are gone until mid April and the four peacock hens have not been seen since the Oct. hurricane.
It was kind of sad because this peacock ended up mostly standing around in one spot mournfully crying out for at least a half hour before we finally left The Marshwalk.
We wonder if he misses his girlfriends or the goats more.

Also sad is really seeing how beat up much of The Marshwalk is after the hurricane. There is currently some dredging going on and we  are hoping they are just waiting for the work to be done with before adding back the floating docks, and rebuilding walkways.
The entire area is quite serviceable and the bars and restaurants are all open, it just looks a bit bedraggled.
And Bubba the big tuna is gone! Hopefully he is just getting needed repairs and will be back better than ever because he was a big crowd favorite.
In all though, it was nice to be out and we saw quite a bit of wildlife over there today, including bald eagles, pelicans, herons, and egrets.

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