Early Morning

I went out quite early this morning but not quite early enough.  Once I had seen the clouds and the light I was out with the camera - pausing only to dress first.  But light is transitory and I knew I would not be anywhere in time for the shades of red I could see..  Undaunted, I plodded on (it was quite muddy) and played around with the very wide angle lens looking for a point of interest to capture the sun coming over the horizon.  I went for the long depth of field to get the starburst and I also bracketed the shots to get detail in the dark areas. It's not a competition winner but it kept me busy for a while.
Today there was a JCB and lady-with-a-clipboard taking readings from 'trial pits' in the field at the bottom of our garden. The landowner is no doubt intending to apply for planning permission to build zillions of houses on the ground and, in today's reckless 'let's build anything anywhere' attitude I can't really see why this won't happen. Depressing.  Too many people, too many cars, too many roads!

My mother is out of hospital and back in her own home. I can't see it working.  Tonight will be her first challenge with no-one at hand.  Carers will have been in late evening and will go first thing in the morning... I am hopeful that all will be well. I can't really understand why the 'authorities' won't move her into a home, as in net terms it will cost them less than what has been put in place now. Crazy times.

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