Tile design

In 1999 we had a lot of work done on our flat to create the space which is now our kitchen. As part of the refurbishment I designed the tiles that sit above the worktops. It's odd that I have never blipped them before. Here you can see the overall design, plus the note that reveals the tiles as our own work.

Now to my day... Well, it started at 2:00am! I haven't been sleeping very well at all recently and there has been quite a lot of night-time to-ing and fro-ing in the hazelh household. I felt that it was my turn to head to the sofa last night - where I lay awake until it was time to get up this morning. Aaargh! In the course of the night I composed an email that (I hope) will put an end to the worry that is interfering with my sleep.

Despite the lack of proper rest I managed to get a day of work done - email, conference abstracts, prep work on my presentation for 1st February.

No exercise though!

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