
....It looked like this when I woke up this morning & has looked this way all day---the only change in the past 9 hours has been the tiniest of fluctuation in the shades of the gray---totally dark and dismal!
In spite of the weather I went to the park to walk for a bit and headed to this tree, which is one of my favorites. It has such a pretty, sort of fluid shape to it that really appeals to me. The park was deserted and quiet--even the geese were absent--so I enjoyed the solitude for awhile before heading over to the dentist, which I DIDN'T enjoy! It was just a cleaning, but I swear the memories of all those horrible experiences as a child are still brought to mind just by walking into a dental office!!  Afterward I talked to Jennie and the little one on skype for about an hour, where she went through her "repertoire" of new words (my granddaughter--not Jennie!! Haha!)  Jennie speaks both english and spanish to her, which I think is wonderful, so now the little one asks for water or juice in spanish. How much easier to learn when you're little rather than trying to pick it up later! :))

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